What’s it Like? #41 – and – Math meets English #43

Episode 41 – This Episode and the next is dedicated specifically to Trainers and their Learners who have risen above the challenge to adapt – in this a difficult time. Episode 43 is a direct follow-up and a promise kept.

As a trainer of adults, specializing in work related language – even with a good 15 years of experience under the belt – there have hardly been more poignant lessons than those learned over the past past few months. Extra special thanks to Rebecca for giving of herself.

Shownotes: English Coach Podcast – Living the Language

Showguest: Rebecca Waldecker – Mathematics Professor, Performing Artist and Giving Soul.

Works: Rebecca Waldecker Professorin für Algebra | Podcast-Archiv, verschiedene Themen | Wortspielfläche

What’s in it for you?!

These episodes explore intellect in movement – and attempt to add a degree of accessibility and humanness to complex concepts.

Ian Antonio Patterson

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb.

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Ian Antonio Patterson - English Coach Podcast - Living the Language
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