Laura Dee in collaboration with -


Episode 21 SURVIVING it – Inviting Your Voice on the Positives.

Shownotes: English Coach Podcast – Living the Language

I am inviting you to share your thoughts on the unexpected positive effects of self-isolation in this time – for an upcoming Podcast Episode. (DE) Ich lade Euch ein, Eure Gedanken über die unerwarteten positiven Auswirkungen der Selbstisolierung in dieser Zeit mitzuteilen – für eine bevorstehende Podcast-Episode.

“Natürlich ist es jetzt äußerst wichtig, zu Hause zu bleiben, aber es muss nicht auch langweilig sein.”

Of course it is of utmost importance that we all stay home right now, but it does not mean that it also has to be boring.

There is indeed, absolutely no doubt about it, that we’re all being affected – in different ways and in all senses of the word. Whatever the case we can all still learn from each other, and at this time – today, I actually want to invite you to share some of those unexpected positive aspects that you have experienced over that past few weeks. One thing is certain; we’re all going through changes, challenges of all kinds – and this is not an attempt to trivialize the situation. This is me doing what I can… So from a more positive standpoint, this is also a time when we get to try-out new things, and freely share these experiences to help others – there is no better time.

Check out the last episodes 20, 19, and 17 of the English Coach Podcast, and feel free to send your own personal thoughts on those positive aspects in – whatever they might be. It’s easy, just use your phone, record it, and send it in to host[@] or check out the feedback page at Check out the instructions in this message (below).

I am looking forward to hearing from you, take care of yourselves now, wash your hands – listen to the relevant authorities and – bye for now.

Show Host: Ian Antonio Patterson: All episodes | your feedback |

Englisch, English Coach Podcast, iAntonio
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Englisch, English Coach Podcast, iAntonio

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