English Coach Podcast – Living the Language

“English Coach Podcast – Living the Language” – for learners of English as a second language, who want to add a splash of colour and life to their learning experience – and anyone else who just likes the show.

English Coach Podcast - Living the Language

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English Coach Podcast – Living the Language

English Trainer/Coach – on exemplary stories in work-life, language, & the everyday – in a fun & interesting way.

DE: Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb. Verbessern und erhalten Sie Ihre Sprachgewandtheit.

BENEFIT: Sustainable Language Acquisition – communicate with fluency, confidence & sovereignty – grounded on cognitive diversity and true-to-life context.

PERSON: Ian Antonio Patterson – host and producer presents as an Independent Education Entrepreneur. Language trainer, coach, and creator – whose works enhance the contextual adult learning experience with rich media – and the backing of various formal and self-taught faculties.

PRIVACY: this podcast neither tracks, nor stalks its users (host’s assurance). No self-sanctioned ad-insertion or attribution, no user data sharing with 3rd parties anywhere.

English Coach Podcast by: Ian Antonio Patterson

Ian Antonio Patterson