Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways

Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” – an Audio Podcast for the Thoughtful and Curious.

Life is Feeling - Counting The Ways - ShowArt - Ian Antonio Patterson

October 29, 2024shownotesGroup ARCHIVE SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicPodcast IndexDeezer Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) […]
October 2, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesSpecial for International Podcast Day – 2023. Video Exclusive Jamaica Speaks – Interview Listen here >> Interviewer – Philip Clarke Season 8 Launch: Health, Strength, Beauty & Sex Listen here >> Episode 90 (full series) Show Archive Sustainable Living, A Positive Outlook (1-2) Listen here >> Show Page V4V Movement Listen here >> Show page Group ARCHIVE SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicPodcast IndexDeezer Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) […]
September 9, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesElizabeth Hobson (aka AntiFemBot) and mother of two boys, who calls herself an anti-feminist Gender Equality Activist shares with us in an extraordinarily compelling episode 26 – part one of two – originally recorded on the 3rd of September 2023. Elizabeth’s areas of particular interest include the family and fathers’ rights, domestic abuse, MGM, feminism, and freedom. “Elizabeth wants to end the Sex War – artificially constructed by feminists – and pursue a more just society based on classical liberal values such as liberty, equality and meritocracy” – extract from Bio, link below. Episodes will appear below as they are published – together with video exclusives. Part 1/2 – Episode 26 Introducing “AntiFemBot” – Episode 25 Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Elizabeth Hobson – Associated Links Elizabeth’s Bio: Link Elizabeth’s Instagram: Link Background Seminal thought : “ism” schisms – and the typical use of this suffix to express a willingness to exclude and disregard an entire ‘other’ group… Extract from sister show – English Coach Podcast – Living the Language: Episode 82 – “Diversity is as Diversity Does – for World Day for Cultural Diversity“. Letter from a Listener – for Episode 25 Response from Elizabeth : “I’m a pussycat! I take ideas deeply seriously though. I entirely agree with you re: ‘ism’, it’s profoundly associated with common enemy identity politics presently. And at the moment I think that there are forces afoot that desperately citizens need to unite to defend ourselves against. I appreciate that in a way that sounds like common enemy politics – and sure there are individuals and groups who are instrumental in the redistribution of resources upwards, and growing surveillance and infringement on our liberties and abilities to lead meaningful lives with solid relationships… But I believe that the individuals responsible for pushing these things are irrelevant. Take them all out and more would manifest. We were told that liberal democracies relied on informed and engaged citizenry (most clearly and beautifully by the US founding fathers), but we failed to take responsibility. Power is addictive and corrupting, we have known this from classic philosophy, from experience, and we know now from psychological research. We can’t expect to simply vote for representatives and let them do their jobs. We can’t expect to hand over responsibility to experts, with no meaningful oversight of who they’re serving, and trust their advice. We know this. We have the instruction. We have the evidence. But we ignore it. Blood, sweat, tears it came with. But we ignore it. We say we love our children but we won’t protect their future. We pity those living in explicitly authoritarian regimes, but we won’t be the beacon of hope that could encourage them because it takes some effort. And I believe that the fundamental basis of good societies is individual personal virtue. And virtue makes our lives personally bearable despite the inevitable suffering and injustice that all people will experience. So I would like to talk to you about that, if you’re up for it. On a personal level, I’ve never been a bad person but I’ve been weak and less than I could be because I refused to live in truth. I came to the place (after a decade of medication and therapy and wanting to die) where I realised that my refusal to feel the fear and enter my personal desert anyway was an inevitable mortal threat. I understood that I didn’t know what was in the desert, and that I didn’t have any reason to assume I would cope, but that out there I might just find life. And I did. I found I’m exponentially stronger than I ever imagined. I found that I am more good and principled than I would think reasonable to expect. And I found a beauty amongst the tragedy that is worth the pain.” Elizabeth Hobson – 11:50, 18.08.2023 – @AntiFemBot SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Group ARCHIVE Credits Musical contribution: BotanyBay YouTube Listing Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
August 25, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesIan Antonio Patterson again – coming to you for another extra ordinary episode. There are essentially three things that I want to say today – which include some important changes regarding how I do my shows also in response to the rise of Ai among other things, how you are invited to interact with the show, and last but by no means least an invitation to you to join me – on a most unusually uplifting, journey of discipline, and self-healing. SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
July 11, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesThe value for value movement is first and foremost in my mind, and I am happy to offer to you, yet another opportunity to live out the multitude of values that help to define you uniquely as a human being. Be it Equity, Democracy, Independent-thought and Freedom, Authenticity or plain and simple Common-sense – pick any one. Value for value inherently illustrates the simplicity of the relationship that was MADE TO exists between you and your favourite independent podcasters – and through your direct engagement you get to decide what you see and hear, and when and how much – by what you support – no paid subscriptions, no fees, no purposeful violations of your privacy and mine, no request for credit card numbers or the like – and ad free, the way it was meant to be. SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE Shownotes Exclusives V4V promises to revolutionize the relationship between independent-podcasters and listeners – and as we speak the “value for value” philosophy or movement is even shaping to influence the way we consume the content of other creators, such as musicians and other artists. Links mentioned in episode (sub-domains to my sites) My version of v4v:  Recurring Workshop:    Existing endorsed events: Musical Contributions Backing music courtesy of: cruisechen, psychedelic rock impro. for “life is feeling” – @wwhatissleep Instagram Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
June 24, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesBroaching the 360 on implicit and explicit bias – from lived experience. SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE Epiphany a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight. Thanks Episode 17: My overall 100th Episode =) Special thanks goes out to all my listeners, show guests, supporters, artists, my cat called Kitty and other contributors, the good experiences and the bad, and as Snoop Dogg would say – thanks to myself.. Musical Contributions Lukas Mann, Botany Bay – Grounded – 06 Miss You Jan 15, 2022 YouTube Listing Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
June 20, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesFeedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE Show-notes Exclusives Behind the Scenes Live-transcript Show Introduction Life is Feeling Counting the Ways EXPLORES IN THIS EPISODE with even more true to life examples – yet another dimension of feeling – which uniquely defines the human experience – by also confronting us with what it is. The episode looks at ways which help to differentiate us as human beings within an Ai driven paradigm. Differentiating the human experience from the artificial one. Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways also explores in todays borrowed episode – some of the things that make the essential difference, as we approach achieving a well-grounded feeling of confidence, sovereignty, and fluency using English as a foreign language. Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
May 26, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesFeedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE Show-notes Exclusive: Behind the scenes Show-art: Introduction It’s all about the new show art design (for Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways), the artist behind it, and the resonance that “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” has been receiving over the past few months. Wouldn’t you like to know which episodes have done the best so far. Stick around till the end to find out – on this the 26th of May, 2023. The New cover design in purple that you now see in your player is by Roselyne Cazazian – an artist currently located in Montreal, Canada. Roselyne does design and illustration, also for Books. She describes or categorizes her work as Vintage, glam & a touch of whimsy – and that works for me. This particular art piece in purple is called “Night Spirit” – a rather recognisable piece I’d say that fits well to the mood that I imagine for my show right now. With a bit of luck; I might even get the chance to introduce you to Roselyne one day soon, to share with us a little about the things that inspire her work. This show format is still experimental, and that means that I am still – as I said feeling out the resonance that comes from the episodes, how it all makes me feel, and I am really curious to see how it all unfolds. Top Three to Date The show episodes that have done the best so far are: Conversations with Hamid, of Chapati Berlin – hand and heart #5 Feminine Role in the Arts: dominant stereotypes, sexism, objectification, guilt as a weapon #4 Who are you and what is yours: Ai, IP, Trust – and the Living Artist – Alexander Klebe #12 Credits Cover Artist: Roselyne Cazazian – @rozkazaz Instagram Backing music courtesy of: cruisechen, psychedelic rock impro. for “life is feeling” – @wwhatissleep Instagram Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
May 13, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesFeedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE What it is like to be a part of a self-motivated team in a modern company – working towards making a real – tangible difference in the world. The show today is multilingual, and we focus on the human interface with new technologies within the care giving industry – auf Deutsch – die menschliche Schnittstelle zu neuen Technologien in der Pflegebranche. The episode speaks to what it is like – to shift a career away from a large strictly hierarchical work structure, towards a smaller organisation that offers much clearer oversight, and more appreciation of individual work. Where does heart and humanness factor in when all these things come together. The conversations today tacitly pose the question – as to whether – what could be seen as abstract technological advances offer the real prospect of actually bringing us closer to our humanity and to each other. Show Guest: Nadine Reussel-Distler Works: | LinkedIn Life is Feeling Counting the Ways explores in this episode with yet another true to life dimension of feeling that uniquely defines the human experience – by also confronting us with what it is not. Our guest for today’s episode says – in German “Nichts ist beständiger als der Wandel” – Nothing is more constant than change – Human Resource Management, Program Management and Health-care – count to her credentials – and it is with great pleasure that I present to you today dearest friend and study colleague Ms. Nadine Distler. YouTube Listing Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways […]
April 5, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesSpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE ShowNotes Exclusive Content Conversations with Kat German (English) Mit offenen Gesprächen über das Leben als Erotikmodel schauen wir über den Tellerrand hinaus. Der Wunsch, in der Masse unterzugehen, ist eines der Dinge, die Kat in der „großen, bösen Stadt“ hält – die Freiheit, das zu sein, was sie sein möchte, und ihre eigene Blase zu finden. In dieser seltenen Begegnung sprechen wir über das Erlebnis, fotografiert zu werden, und darüber, wie “zusätzliche Betrachter” das Gefühl und die Haltung vor der Kamera beeinflussen. Besondere Momente, die es zwischen Fotograf und Model gibt, die nicht für jeden bestimmt sind – und das beliebte Narrativ über “die starke Frau”, die sich zwar längst emanzipiert hat – auch wenn manche Männer das einfach noch nicht gecheckt haben. Wir wagen es, einzutauchen, die Wahrnehmung zu erkunden, die andere von „OnlyFans“ (Platform) haben – “wie die Männer mich dazu zwingen”, die Quelle der bestehenden Nachfrage und ihre natürlichen Belohnungen neu zu überdenken. “Die Unterdrückung der Klinge” als der eigentliche Grundgedanke hinter dieser ganzen Begegnung stand jedoch weniger im Vordergrund – hat uns aber dazu gebracht, das Phänomen mit der Fetischisierung von Körperhaaren zu vergleichen. Wir untersuchen, was das alles bedeutet und wie es sich auswirkt. Natürlich diskutierten wir auch über den Einfluss, den diese Art von Arbeit auf junge Menschen und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes hat – zusammen mit dem Paradoxon des inhärenten kommerziellen Wertes, der sich aus der Schaffung und Pflege von Tabus und irrealen Knappheiten ergibt. Aus der Perspektive eines unabhängigen Podcasters witzeln wir auch ernsthaft darüber, dass die wichtigste Fähigkeit für ein Leben am Mikrofon, ist eigentlich die Bereitschaft, etwas ganz anderes zu tun, als die meisten Menschen erwarten würden. Instagram: @keterakete999 Backing music courtesy of: @wwhatissleep ShowNotes Exclusive Content featuring: Keterakete & iAntonio ShowNotes Exclusive Content Apple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice , Text | ALL shownotes | Contact ShowHost | Support Englisch – (Deutsch) Pushing the envelope with candid conversations on life as an erotic model. The desire to blend in with the crowd, is one of the things that keeps Kat in the big bad city – the freedom to be whatever she wants to be and to find her own bubble. In this rare encounter we discuss the experience of being photographed, and how “extra viewers” affect the feel and attitude in front of the camera. Special moments that exist between photographer and model that are not for everyone – and the popular narrative of “the strong woman”, who themselves though long emancipated – some men simply don’t know it yet. We unravel the perception that others have of onlyfans – “how the men make me do it” – and rethink the source of existing demand – and its natural rewards. “The oppression of the blade” and fetishising body hair – the first impulse behind this encounter – features a little less prominently. We explore what it all means, and how it all plays out. Naturally, we also discussed the perceived influence of this type of work on young minds, and on society as a whole – together with paradoxes around the inherent commercial value – that itself emerges from creating and nurturing taboos – and from an independent podcaster’s perspective, how the essential skill for a life on the microphone is not the ability to speak but a readiness to listen.. Instagram: @keterakete999 Backing music courtesy of: @wwhatissleep ShowNotes Exclusive Content featuring: Keterakete & iAntonio […]
March 13, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesFeedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Conversation with Alexander Klebe Intentionally non-pretentious and for the most part non-scripted – this is where we explore – some of the secrets, insights, and lived-experiences – of real people. Today we make no exception – and our guest for today’s show Episode 12 – calls himself “a photographer for people and brands who helps his client to get the best out of their image”. Alexander Klebe – aka the portrait maker is a family man – with whom I have held acquaintance for about 20 years, since met at my first course of studies here in Germany. Alex owns and operates the well renown Ocean Studio currently located right here in Friedrichshain Berlin Germany, – the portrait maker is a man of many talents. “Alexander Klebe ist Fotograf für Menschen und Marken in Berlin ( Daneben macht er auch gern Reportagen und arbeitet mit Medien, Menschen und Marketing. Ende 2019 ist sein Buch zum Thema Businessfotografie erschienen welches auch direkt über den Verlag bestellt werden kann:  Seit 2009 betreibt er sein Tageslichtstudio in Berlin wo auch zahlreiche Musikvideos, TV-Beiträge und Magazinstrecken entstanden sind”. 03.2023. The works: @alex_the_portrait_maker Backing music courtesy of: @wwhatissleep (Instagram) Ocean Studio featuring: Alexander Klebe, Ian Antonio Patterson, and insight on ChatGPT YouTube – Listing […]
February 23, 2023life-is-feeling / shownotesApple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice | Feedback: Text | Contact ShowHost | ALL shownotes | Support Conversation with Kurt Orlando Patterson Student of mine who has a strong aptitude for languages, but finds herself challenged by mathematics. She is interested in pursuing a career in real-estate, and from my perspective as a language teacher – with some experience with mathematics at both high school and university levels – my advice to her was to be mindful of the mathematical concepts that are perhaps most relevant to her career interest – all in attempt to make mathematical concepts generally appear more tactile / tangible and useful to her at this point in time. Additional Sources Western Governors University – 23.02.2023 Stanford University – 23.02.2023 Wikipedia – 23.02.2023 Backing music courtesy of: @wwhatissleep (Instagram) Kurt Orlando Patterson […]
December 17, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesApple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice | Feedback: Text | Contact ShowHost | ALL shownotes | Support Narration of “The Birds” Book on Amazon: “Dark Closet – A collection of delightfully horrifying short stories” “Of Feathers and Fur”. Narration of “The Birds – Dark Closet – A collection of delightfully horrifying short stories”. Kurt Patterson YouTube Listing […]
December 5, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesApple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice | Feedback: Text | Contact ShowHost | ALL shownotes Full Analysis and History of: Elizabeth Barrett Browning English Coach Podcast – Living the Language: Episode 61 […]
November 26, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesApple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice | Feedback: Text | Contact ShowHost | ALL shownotes Show Guest: Angelika Hansen “The conversations say it all – and so do her books.” Mentions The cover art for this episode by: Polina Khrystoieva – Instagram. Backing music: Botany Bay.  Intro Text – Ian Antonio Patterson Hello, my name is Ian Antonio Patterson, your host for Life is “Feeling – Counting the Ways”, where we explore non-scripted -some of the secrets, insights and lived-experiences – of real people. Self-sponsored and independent – the show offers a multi-dimensional multi-lingual listening experience – and is my invitation to you – to garner for yourself – everything that could be interpreted as practical advice from the skills, experience, values and attitudes of the compelling personalities featured here __ I invite you to further explore the topical themes __ and on your own in your own sweet time, reflect on how all of these play out in our day to day lives. The show promises no answers to anything, and you get to decide for yourself – what works for you, ___ you get to form your own truths, and if you do find something new, that was of value to you, and want to give something back – all I would ask you to do is to give it away – as in share the show or episode with a friend. So, what CAN you expect from this episode today? It cuts to the very core of why I do this whole show. Long form content, my preferred approach – distinguishes itself from platitudes and soundbites – mindfully articulating the contexts at hand – and doing proper justice to my guests, the themes and to you.. You get to download, pause, stop, rewind, revisit, skip forward, listen again and again – as many times as you need – Add free – the way it was meant to be. Our guest for today says: “I love to be out in the world, over the years I’ve written 4 books about my experiences – one of them twice, first in German, then in English: “Begegnung mit dem Schamanen/ Encounter with the Shaman“, followed by “Sundance“; and “Nur Mut” ”- all of them first person accounts, and generally positive.” In todays Episode We go on to talk about 5:32 – the feel of silk 8:36 – sense of beauty and gratitude 14:35 – defining “feeling” in the context of the show 18:00 – love and fear, and fear as a life philosophy 29:00 – owning your voice – and curating your own story 31:00 – the notion of “influencer” 33:18 – approach to writing 37:30 – female sexuality: through the lens of fear, love intuition & consent 45:00 – alcohol as a crutch 49:00 – the big scary animal 52:00 – soulless love and the contract 57:00 – voice, consent, and democracy 59:00 – rape by deception 1:02:00 – consent and the checkbox 1:08:00 – freedom of movement 1:14:00 – generosity without expectation or agenda 1:21:00 – where the devil lives Our esteemed guest for the day; Ms. Angelika Hansen. Todays Episode is sponsored and brought to you by: yours Truly in association with English Coach Podcast – Living the Language and  Backing music provided in parts by Botany bay under creative commons license and at the recommendation of my friend and colleague Laura Dee – who featured in Episode 4 of the show. The cover art for the Episode was provided by Polina – who came through splendidly with her contribution to this show. I have the greatest respect for the artistic contributions, and exchanges that help to support the show – and She says that I can tell you the following: “I’m an illustrator from Ukraine who creates whimsical artworks 🙂 I’m currently living in Lviv, the western part of Ukraine and I had to move here with my family from Kharkiv due to Russian invasion.” She goes on to say that – “We still brave and creative even without electricity!” I happened upon Polina’s art while browsing Instagram one day and was moved by it. Contacted her and here we are today. What this artistic illustration means to me – considering its purely accidental origin and especially at this time, is its inherent defiant quality that appears fly in the face of oppression, and tacitly speaks truth to power. It is in itself and within this context today – a representation of the importance of independent media – taking ownership of your own voice and articulating it equally – amidst the noise of all the others who would seek to influence and move you to their agenda. The bold unapologetic attitude of this piece speaks to my intention for the show – in the same way I would implore you to give yourself permission to sometimes consider other sources of insight and inspiration – other than the ones that are fed to you in popular paid media. #IndependentPodcasting is all about authenticity, inclusion, balanced conversations with ideas and individual choice – and in so being – a pillar of any democratic ideal. I want you to take note of the illustration, as it will quite likely feature again on future episodes of this flavour. Feel free to tell me what you think – and be sure to check out Polina’s work for yourself – link in the shownotes.   And last but by no means least our guest – Angelika Hansen. The show is freely available everywhere – shownotes exclusives images, videos, and associated links at – If you feel like actively engaging – give meaning to the things you think about the show – by using the feedback forms, and feel free to join the private listeners’ group for an even more human listening experience, and check out the link to the show archives, for a multitude of diverse, and equally compelling themes that might be of interest to you. YouTube Listing […]
November 11, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesApple | Spotify | Google | YouTube Audio | Feedback: Voice | Feedback: Text | Contact ShowHost | ALL shownotes Show Guest: ASA 808 Artist: on Instagram “The conversations say it all…” PressRelease_HealingDownload Mentions The cover art for this episode was as well as the accompanying music were generously provided courtesy of ASA 808. Music courtesy of ASA 808: “Healing” and “Fill Your Lungs With Peace” ASA 808 YouTube Listing […]
November 5, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesFeedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Show Guest: Anna Royon-Weigelt (republish) Intercultural Consultant, Coach and Moderator: – Works: LinkedIn “The conversations say it all…” Group ARCHIVE Mentions The cover art for this Episode was created by Camila under slightly separate cover, the guest for the show is my good friend Anna, and the musical accompaniments by Andy Beck and Laura Dee in collaboration with Botany Bay. The prime events that set off this train of thought were; an episode of “Lights Camera Real Life” – part of a cross-promotional hosted by my good friend Philip over there in Jamaica – and last but by no means least, the chance invitation from a friend of mine (whose name for all intents and purposes will remain little red) – to attend Tosca, an opera performance in Berlin. DESCRIPTION Life is Feeling – Counting the WaysIntentionally non-pretentious and for the most part non-scripted – this is where we explore – some of the secrets, insights, and lived-experiences – of real people. An Art Project, where you get to (1) garner for yourself everything that could be interpreted as practical advice from the achievements, skills, challenges, values-and-attitudes of the compelling personalities featured here (2) get involved in a meaningful uplifting way.Self-sponsored and independent, multi-faceted sometimes multi-lingual listening experience (EN+DE+JAM) – www.LifeisFeeling.comTHE COLOURS OF FEELING:Noun form: An emotional state or reaction. The emotional side of someone’s character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond. Strong emotion. An idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one. An attitude or opinion. The capacity to experience the sense of touch. The sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing. A sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of…Adjective Form: A quality of shown emotion or sensitivity.Verb Form: To examine or search by touch. To be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched. To give a sensation of a particular physical quality when touched. To have the strength and energy to do or deal with. To be strongly affected by. To have compassion for. To hold an opinion. YouTube Listing The Politics of Dignity – On Status and Exclusion – Anna Royon-Weigelt & Ian Antonio Patterson […]
August 27, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesSpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) Group ARCHIVE SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index “DAS LEBEN IST EIN ORNAMENT AUS MENSCHEN ALLER FARBEN, ALLER SPRACHEN, BILDER UND GESÄNGE. CHAPATI WEBT EINEN STOFF, IN DEM DU FRIEDEN TRÄUMST, IHN ANLEGST WIE EIN GEWAND, IHN WEITERREICHST MIT DEM LÄCHELN DER ANERKENNUNG UND DES BEWUSSTSEINS DES ANDEREN, AM FREMDEN, DER FREUND WIRD.” Auszug aus der Chapati-Philosophie 27.8.2022 Show Guest: Hamid “The conversations say it all…” | website | instagram | 25 Jahre Chapati – Jubiläum Das Audit wurde von der DQS CFS Deutschland Ende 2018 durchgeführt. Mit dem Social Compliance Zertifikat wird uns anerkannt, dass alle Richtlinien und Sozialstandart´s eingehalten und darüber hinaus von uns gefördert werden. Um die nachhaltige Produktion von Textilien von der Rohfaser, bis zum Endprodukt, innerhalb der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette sicherzustellen, ist der Herstellungsprozess ganzheitlich GOTS-zertifiziert. Der Name Chapati ist indisch und heißt übersetzt Brot. Dahinter steckt der Gedanke, mit dem Design der Chapati Kollektion das Brot zum Leben zu verdienen, also Selbstständigkeit und Unabhängigkeit zu erlangen. Dieser Gedanke wird auch im Chapati-Logo aufgegriffen: im Zentrum steht in persischen Schriftzeichen das iranische Wort für Brot, und schließt somit den Kreis der Chapati-Philosophie. “Life is Feeling – counting the ways” is a self-sponsored – independent podcast, brought to you in association with and its somewhat more conservative sister show English Coach Podcast – Living the Language. For upcoming show events and impressions of other magical moments – do also feel free to visit . YouTube listing – of Audio Episode 5 – Life is Feeling – counting the ways […]
August 18, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesSpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-Host | Value for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children) What constitutes the feminine role in the arts. To what extent is the role of an artist charged with purging or correcting random fantasy? Today we talk about managing dominant stereotypes, notions of sexism, objectification, and instances where guilt is inflicted as a weapon. We discuss the importance of safe spaces and hiding places – empathy for and solidarity with friends, work colleagues and co-creators. Our guest for this episode 4 is Laura Dee – seasoned singer, song writer and Educator – and the aim of todays episode is not to just talk about these things – but to tacitly offer meaningful, true to life strategies, that have been shown to work for others, and might be useful to anyone struggling with these things on the stage of life.   Life is Feeling – today – in a non-moralising way – offers what COULD be considered advice: for aspiring female performing artists – or any performing artist for that matter who would have it. Not from me, naturally but from someone who feels it and knows it. – for anyone who runs the risk of being – whether by accident or design – profiled, misrepresented, appropriated, or relegated – and anyone who simply thinks that in this context – they simply don’t have a choice… “Life is Feeling – counting the ways” is a self-sponsored – independent podcast, brought to you in association with and its somewhat more conservative sister show English Coach Podcast – Living the Language. For upcoming show events and impressions of other magical moments – do also feel free to visit Laura’s site at . Show Guest: Laura Dee Website: | FaceBook | Instagram | Video Exclusives: Laura in Performance […]
August 11, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesEpisode 3 Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Feedback: Text | Feedback: Voice | Contact ShowHost It’s a conversation – with a friend of mine Natalia Gubergritz – actress, dancer and multilingual artist based in Berlin – and in today’s episode you get first hand insight – from someone who feels it and knows it – into how you could perhaps, adjust your own values and attitudes – to better to balance “any perceived burden of perfection” – with practice, age, humility und Leichtigkeit. Let me warn you though – as I threatened to do in episode one of the show, since most of my listenership is multi-lingual, today’s episode is presented in German – with a little surprise at the end. I really hope you like the show – and without further ado – on with the show. Show Guest: Natalia Gubergritz Instagram YouTube listing – of Audio Episode 2 – Life is Feeling – counting the ways […]
August 1, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesEpisode 2 Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Feedback: Text | Feedback: Voice | Contact ShowHost Show Guest: Farida Bissinger Website Facebook Performance and further conversations YouTube listing – of Audio Episode 2 – Life is Feeling – counting the ways […]
August 1, 2022life-is-feeling / shownotesEpisode 1 Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Feedback: Text | Feedback: Voice | Contact ShowHost SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTubeAmazon MusicDeezerPodcast Index Group ARCHIVE Hello my name is Ian Antonio Patterson, and I’d like to welcome you to this the very first episode of the show – comprising a collection of 4 extracts – from 4 different conversations – that will in their entirety be published right here, very soon.  The full conversations purposely take place in both English and in German, so don’t be too surprised if the language changes sometimes. Most of my listeners are multi-lingual – but depending on the level of feedback I get – time, and resources – I might opt to in the future include summary interpretations in English. There might also be a little Jamaican sometimes. The name of the show is “Life is Feeling” – and this episode exists for one purpose – to give a little preview of some of the conversations to come. The framing of each episode will always feature a sense of that outlook – lightly guiding our discourse. Full Show Description Non-scripted cordial and playful by design – the show episodes are not intended to be debates – and are expected to unfold in ways that even I myself cannot anticipate. A place where we are all allowed to change our minds, speak from the wisdom of our own experiences for ourselves, agree to disagree and essentially offers no answers to anything. You get to take from it what you will. Whatever the case it works for us, so if you are curious as to how these conversations play out – or are moved to give meaning to what you think about the show – free to use the feedback link on the official showpage at . Subscribe or follow the show – if you don’t want to miss it – from anywhere you like listen to podcasts. […]

Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-HostValue for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children)

Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways: Show

Candid conversations, monologues, and narrations – delve into the many splendored human experience of feeling, ranging from its basic emotional attribute, to values and attitudes that both emerge from and inform our actions. The Show gives stage to the many ways of knowing – through experimentation, intuition, approaching objectivity, embracing subjectivity, individual truths, and the lived experience.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics that delve deep into the human psyche, identity, creativity, politics, desires, roles and much more. With each episode, Ian Antonio and his guests offer unique perspectives and insights that intend to sometimes challenge our preconceptions, encourage us to think more critically about the world around us, and help us to make sense of it all.

Thought-provoking and insightful “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” invites YOU to take a moment to be awake to the world, by observing the world through the lens of what he likes to call “the colours of feeling” – exploring emotion, experience, and the capacity for empathy.

YOU get to decide for YOURSELF what is YOURS and what is not, and to take from it what YOU will.

Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways: Character and Purpose

In a world where technology and social media dominate our daily lives, it can sometimes be difficult to find meaningful conversations that tackle the important issues we face as human beings. “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” means to fly in the face of a proverbial Ads-driven-paradigm ruled by popular paid content, in that seeks neither to sell you anything, nor to pretend to provide any answers to anything whatsoever. Within an Ai-driven-paradigm, the show also seeks to help to differentiate us as human beings, by presenting real stories – as evidenced by the lived experience.

With its diverse range of perspectives, and engaging conversations, this independent podcast wants to cut against the graintenderly and unapologetically – and offers a little something for everyone. It doesn’t try to be predictable, and as essentially a self-sponsored Art Project, it is “niche” in as much as the lived-experiences of its guests and its host are not..

Overall, “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” is a must-listen podcast for anyone who wants to engage in meaningful conversations about the human experience – and invites YOU, to within this context, give meaning to the things YOU think about the show by also sharing YOUR own UNIQUE perspectives.

Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways: Popular Episodes

One of the standout episodes is “Mathematics Language and Feeling”, which aims to make mathematics accessible to those who may struggle with the subject. By assuming the premise that mathematics as just another language, Ian Antonio and Kurt Orlando offer a fresh down to earth perspective on this often daunting subject.

Another episode that stands out is “Detoxing Masculinity – Crushing It With Asa 808”, which is still a short musical introductory episode – paving the way to exploring the topical buzz-phrase within our society.

In “Conversations with Hamid of Chapati Berlin – Hand and Heart”, Ian Antonio speaks with a successful entrepreneur about the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry. Episode 5 offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by those seeking to make a positive impact on the environment while still achieving business success.

Conversations featured in episode 8, entitled “Love, Fear, Beauty, Voice, Intuition, Consent – and The Big Scary Animal – with Angelika Hansen” – explore just that.

Feedback: Text / Voice | Top-3-Episodes | Archives | Show-HostValue for Value Show-Support | Disclaimer (not for children)

Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways


Noun form: An emotional state or reaction. The emotional side of someone’s character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond. Strong emotion. An idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one. An attitude or opinion. The capacity to experience the sense of touch. The sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing. A sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of…

Adjective Form: A quality of shown emotion or sensitivity.

Verb Form : To examine or search by touch. To be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched. To give a sensation of a particular physical quality when touched. To have the strength and energy to do or deal with. To be strongly affected by. To have compassion for. To hold an opinion.

PRIVACY: this podcast neither tracks, nor stalks its users (host’s assurance). No self-sanctioned ad-insertion or attribution, no user data sharing with 3rd parties anywhere.


“Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways”, is a self-sponsored independent podcast brought to you in association with . The show is essentially an art project where we explore different career roles and converse with ideas. It is not exactly made for children and may at times feature sensitive content, based on a wide repertoire of unique lived experiences of people. Listener discretion strongly advised. The show as usual explicitly promises no answers to anything whatsoever, and as the name suggests – explores feelings. Everyone here speaks for themself, nothing is cast in stone, and we all are, in true human fashion expressly allowed to change our minds. “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” does not offer advice based on the professional opinion of licensed Lawyers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Teachers, Moral Authorities, or the like. I am myself a trainer but more likely than not, I am not your trainer. When in doubt consult a professional accordingly. For more information, questions, or contributions – feel free to visit,  and use the contact form.

„Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways“, ist ein selbstfinanzierter, unabhängiger Podcast, der in Zusammenarbeit mit produziert wird. Die Sendung ist im Wesentlichen ein Kunstprojekt, in dem wir verschiedene Berufsrollen erforschen und uns mit Ideen auseinandersetzen. Sie ist nicht für Kinder gemacht und kann manchmal sensible Inhalte enthalten, die auf einem breiten Repertoire einzigartiger Lebenserfahrungen von Menschen basieren. Ich empfehle daher allen Zuhörern Diskretion. Die Show verspricht wie üblich ausdrücklich keine Antworten auf irgendetwas und erforscht – wie der Name schon sagt – Gefühle. Jeder spricht hier für sich selbst, nichts ist in Stein gemeißelt und wir alle dürfen, wie es sich für Menschen gehört, ausdrücklich unsere Meinung ändern. „Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways“ bietet keine Ratschläge, die auf der professionellen Meinung von lizenzierten Anwälten, Psychologen, Psychiatern, Lehrern, Moralaposteln oder dergleichen basieren. Ich bin selbst Trainer, aber höchstwahrscheinlich bin ich nicht dein Trainer. Im Zweifelsfall solltest du einen Spezialisten zu Rate ziehen. Für weitere Informationen, Fragen oder Beiträge kannst du besuchen und das Kontaktformular benutzen.

Life is Feeling - Counting The Ways - ShowArt - Ian Antonio Patterson

Life is Feeling – by iAntonio

Ian Antonio Patterson